Welcome. Thanks for visiting my site.
It’s my sincere hope that, as well as providing useful information, some of the material I’ve included here may peak your curiosity and get you thinking a little bit differently about your life, your family, your relationships, and your goals.
It has been my great honor to work with adults, adolescents, couples and families for over 25 years. A common question for my clients at the outset of treatment is, "What's working and what's not working in your life (or relationship)?" From there, clients can begin the process of identifying things they want more of, as well as things they want less of. Then we can work together to develop a plan to increase more of what they want in their lives and reduce or eliminate what they don't want in their lives.
I hope you can take some time to look around. Enjoy your visit!
Some thoughts on therapy…
Therapy, also called psychotherapy or counseling, is the process of meeting with a therapist to resolve problematic behaviors, beliefs, feelings, relationship issues, and/or somatic responses (sensations in the body). Beginning therapy can be a big step toward being the healthiest version of yourself and living the best life possible—no matter what challenges you may be facing. Through therapy, you can change self-destructive behaviors and habits, resolve painful feelings, improve your relationships, and more.
Though no one can tell you exactly what your therapy process will be like, in all modes of therapy you will establish goals for your therapy and determine the steps you will take to get there. Whether in individual, group, or family therapy, your relationship with your therapist is a confidential one and focuses not only on the content of what you talk about, but also the process. The therapeutic process--how you share your feelings and experiences--is considered to be just as important as the specific issues or concerns you share in therapy.
On the whole, you can expect that your therapist will be someone who supports you, listens attentively, models a healthy and positive relationship experience, gives you appropriate feedback, and follows ethical guidelines. Good therapy should be tailored to you and your experiences.
The primary counseling approaches I use are cognitive behavioral and solution-focused therapy.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a short-term, problem-focused form of behavioral treatment that helps people see the relationship between beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, and subsequent behavior patterns and actions. Through this process, clients learn that their perceptions directly influence their responses to specific situations.
Solution-focused therapy places focus on a person's present and future circumstances and goals rather than past experiences. In this goal-oriented therapy, clients learn to develop a vision of the future. Then, they discover and develop the skills, resources, and abilities needed to achieve that vision successfully.
Have you taken the time to envision what you would like your life to be? What you want your life to look like? What you want your career and relationships to look like? When we address these wants and needs we can begin to focus on ways to make your life better.
Here are some ideas about taking care of yourself and setting goals-